Assessing Impact at Evergreen

At Evergreen, success is measured by the gaps in learning that are bridged, the positive learning behaviours and dispositions that are developed, the improved self-perceptions fostered, and the progress made from each child’s individual starting point. We recognise that success for our students may differ significantly or appear more modest compared to that of their mainstream peers. This is why at Evergreen, “Every Moment Matters.”

To evaluate the impact of our work, Evergreen undertakes a variety of assessments and activities to determine how well children progress during their time with us.

Key Principles of Success

Evergreen is committed to:

  • Developing Positive Behaviours and Dispositions:
    Reinforce and maintain constructive behaviours and personal attitudes by demonstrating new ways of engaging with learning and relationships, while breaking unproductive habits.
  • Inspiring and Motivating Learners:
    Support and encourage children to bridge gaps in their learning, re-engage with education, and build on their existing talents and skills.
  • Fostering Positive Self-Perceptions:
    Help children view themselves as capable learners by enabling progress from their individual starting points, with a specific focus on English and Mathematics.
  • Delivering an Enriching Curriculum:
    Provide an accessible, fulfilling, and experiential curriculum that enables children to explore their world with curiosity and excitement.

How We Assess Impact

We measure our impact through the following strategies:

  • Stakeholder Observation and Discussion:
    Engage with key stakeholders to gather insights on student progress and well-being.
  • Monitoring Behavioural and Academic Growth:
    Reflect on and assess students’ progress in developing positive behaviours and attitudes towards learning.
  • Regular Assessments:
    Use GL assessments for English, Reading, and Mathematics to monitor academic achievement.
  • PASS Assessment:
    Evaluate students’ perceptions and attitudes toward themselves and school through the PASS (Pupil Attitudes to Self and School) survey.
  • Pupil Voice:
    Actively listen to students’ views about their learning experiences and life at Evergreen.
  • Parent and Community Feedback:
    Gather perspectives from parents, caregivers, and community stakeholders to understand their views on the school’s impact.
  • Attendance Reviews:
    Analyse attendance data for trends and address any needs as they arise.
  • Transition Support:
    Effectively guide and evaluate transitions, ensuring students are well-prepared for their next stage of education.
  • Teaching and Learning Evaluation:
    Conduct lesson observations, work scrutiny, and teaching and learning reviews to ensure quality.
  • External Moderation:
    Welcome assessments and moderation from our academy trust, local authority, and healthcare professionals

Our impact

Evergreen has been highly successful in supporting pupils, parents, carers, and schools with transitions—whether returning children to mainstream education through the Fair Access Panel or helping them move seamlessly to specialist settings.

Since 2022, 71% of children who have undertaken SATs have achieved the national standard in at least one subject: Reading, English or Maths. 

What Do Others Say About Our Impact?

Feedback from pupils, parents, and professionals reflects the profound effect Evergreen has on transforming lives. Through collaboration, assessment, and personalised support, we aim to create a lasting positive impact for every child who spends time with us.

What do are Children think about being at Evergreen Academy?

‘I liked it at Evergreen I learnt how to calm down, rather than slap someone and to count to ten’.

                                          Former Pupil recently transitioned back to mainstream.


‘I learnt that I didn’t have to be angry at every little thing! It’s nice to be yourself, I have learnt that not everyone you meet will judge you. Everyone is different and that’s OK.’

Former Pupil recently transitioned back to mainstream.


‘We like the teachers. When we have a problem they help us, calm us down, they are kind.’

                                                                                                                                           Former Pupil recently transitioned back to mainstream.


‘I like seeing my friends, and I like my class, I like maths, I like sharing how I feel and reflecting on how well I am doing’

                                                                                                                                                                                     Former Pupil recently transitioned back to mainstream.

What do Parents think about Evergreen?


‘There is no amount of words that describe how thankful I am as a parent that my child has had the opportunity to go to Evergreen. My child has learnt so much from being with you. Not only about his behaviour, but himself. I have finally got my little boy back.’

Mother of former pupil transitioned to mainstream.


‘I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone at the PRU for all your hard work with my child’s needs. He has come on leaps and bounds. He is literally heartbroken and hasn't stopped crying’.

Mother of former pupil transitioned to mainstream.


‘We want to say a massive thank you for all the support you have given to T, at his time at Evergreen. We had started to give up hope with T receiving an education, but that all changed here. You all took the time to understand him and support him.’

Mother of former pupil transitioned into mainstream.


'Since he has been at Evergreen the teachers have constantly provided us with daily reports, and they never forget to highlight ‘N’s’ positive side. We have felt your professional support and abundant love. Since starting nursery school, A has always seen people with disappointment or their upset expressions because of him. We are confident that his self-esteem has improved significantly during his time at Evergreen.'

Parents of a pupil at Evergreen.

What do other schools and professionals say about Evergreen?


‘An effective transition plan was provided by Evergreen. Senior leaders, middle leaders and teachers, with Evergreen discussed the needed to effectively support the returning child. This valuable support, with follow up visits was fantastic in supporting class teachers and teaching assistants and allowed us to facilitate a positive and effective relationships with the child’.

Head Teacher of a local school

‘Since re-joining us ‘N’ has settled in well both socially and emotionally and his time at Evergreen has been instrumental in his social and emotional development’. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Head Teacher of a local school

‘Everyday you greet your students with a smile upon your face and it makes a difference in the lives of the children who you so wonderfully care for’.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Visiting teacher