Evergreen School Uniform

Your child is expected to wear a school uniform when they attend Evergreen.

Parents have the option to send their child to Evergreen in a uniform that can consist of a:

  • Green or white polo shirt
  • Green sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Black or grey trousers or skirt. (In summer parents may wish to send their child in shorts or suitable summer dress). 

If your child is dual registered, they can wear their host school uniform, to avoid additional cost.

Evergreen's PE Kit consists of:

  • Black shorts
  • Plain T-shirt – which should not be team colours or a club supporters top
  • PE Bag or small holdall
  • Suitable trainers/pumps

We do not want to burden our parents/carers with the additional cost of a labelled uniform, and as pupils may not be attending Evergreen PRU long-term, we suggest purchasing uniforms from local suppliers such as supermarkets, Matalan, etc.

Parents may also wish to consider using the Wolverhampton school uniform swap shop at St Columba’s United Reformed Church. More details can be found here.

During the day we have a NO SHOE policy: Children remove shoes whilst they are in school and only use them for outside purposes. Key Stage 1 children are recommended to have shoes they can put on and take off by themselves.

Children can bring to school soft soled, enclosed slippers or soft soled plimsoles if they wish.