Please see information about Evergreen Academy uniform below:
Dear Parent/Carer,
I would like to take the opportunity to revisit the uniform expectations. Uniform is important. Whilst we endeavour to not burden you with named clothing, we do expect pupils to wear a simple uniform to school.
It would be fair to say that, in the last few weeks, we have a number of interpretations of what is and is not acceptable uniform and we believe it is time to clarify our expectations for students and parents/carers.
We expect:
School wear:
• Green/white polo shirt
• Green sweatshirt / cardigan
• Black/grey trousers / skirt
We have a NO SHOE policy. Children remove shoes whilst they are in school and only use them for outside purposes. Key Stage 1 children are recommended to have shoes they can put on and take off by themselves. If you wish your child to wear footwear inside school, you can supply soft bottom slippers with grip strips or non-hard soled plimsoles.
Pupils should not wear PE kit to school. It should be brought to school in a bag and your child will be given space and time to change.
- Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms
- Plain t-shirt – not a football top
- PE Bag
- Trainers/pumps
None of the above uniform needs to be branded and it can be purchased from any retailer.
If there is a reason you are unable to provide a uniform on a certain day, please do not send your child to school in jeans, combat designed clothing, but something that is more in line with their uniform.
We look forward to your support in ensuring all students are treated equally and trust the guidance above makes things much clearer for everyone.