At Evergreen, our curriculum goes beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum to offer a broad range of enriching experiences and opportunities.

We are committed to providing diverse programmes and approaches that support academic learning while also fostering positive attitudes toward life, living, and learning. These initiatives play a key role in developing behaviour, enhancing emotional well-being, and broadening children's cultural horizons. Some of the programmes we offer include:

  • Sensory Ladders
  • One Decision (PSHE)
  • Cool Kids
  • Cool Characters
  • Sensory Circuits
  • Zumos
  • EBSNA (Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance)

The primary focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations, nurture personal pride in achievements, reignite a love for learning, and create a positive and purposeful school experience. We aim to build a sense of belonging and relevance in everything we do, ensuring that each child sees the value in their education.

At Evergreen, we are dedicated to creating a highly inclusive environment where all learners are engaged, enjoy their education, and make strong progress across the curriculum. We work to ensure that every child, regardless of their starting point, is supported to reach their full potential.

For our more capable children, we provide both challenge and support to help them continue to excel. For those who face difficulties, we offer targeted interventions to reinforce essential skills, allowing them to develop at their own pace. We also tailor our approach to accommodate individual learning styles, ensuring each child receives the support they need in the way that works best for them.

Personal Development Programmes at Evergreen

Behaviour Pathway

The goal of the behaviour pathway is to provide tailored support for children, helping them understand the antecedents (triggers) and impacts of their behaviours. The pathway also focuses on identifying strategies, approaches, and interventions that will enable children to succeed in school. Collaboration is key in this process: teachers, the child, and other adults involved in the child's education should all actively participate in developing the pathway. Whenever possible, children should have the opportunity to contribute their perspectives to ensure the plan is both relevant and effective.

Emotionally Based School Non-attendance EBSNA

The goal of the behaviour pathway is to provide tailored support for children, helping them understand the antecedents (triggers) and impacts of their behaviours. The pathway also focuses on identifying strategies, approaches, and interventions that will enable children to succeed in school. Collaboration is key in this process: teachers, the child, and other adults involved in the child's education should all actively participate in developing the pathway. Whenever possible, children should have the opportunity to contribute their perspectives to ensure the plan is both relevant and effective.

The Changemaker Award

The Changemaker Award Programme at Evergreen empowers children to work toward a series of goals across four key areas: Helping Hands, Cultural Compass, Let’s Connect, and Creative Canvas. The programme is designed to foster personal discovery, growth, self-reliance, teamwork, and responsibility, helping children to develop the skills and attitudes needed for success in their educational journey and beyond.

Evergreen Reflection Circles

Our Reflection Circles, inspired by the Red to Blue principles developed by Gazing, support both children and teachers in reflecting on behaviours, dispositions, and challenges that arise in school. The process helps direct focus toward two key factors:

  • What the child can control or influence
  • What lies outside the child’s control

By guiding children to concentrate on aspects they can influence, Reflection Circles encourage deliberate, emotion-free reflection and foster the development of more constructive responses in future situations.


For teachers, Reflection Circles bridge the connection between learning behaviours and appropriate social and behavioural expectations. They support building positive relationships with children, enabling a calm and safe classroom environment where effective learning can take place.

Key Success Factors:

  • Understanding the child’s perspective and level of awareness
  • Building strong, positive teacher-student relationships
  • Teaching children the behaviours needed to thrive in a school setting
  • Through this approach, children gain the skills to self-regulate and succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.

Key Learning Behaviours at Evergreen supported by our reflection circles

  1. Learning to Learn:
    Developing self-awareness through reflection and self-assessment, enabling children to identify strengths and areas for improvement. This lifelong skill fosters adaptability and personal growth.
  2. Self-Monitoring:
    Cultivating emotional regulation and impulse control, particularly in challenging situations. Mastery of this skill enhances classroom performance and overall well-being, both in school and beyond.
  3. Motivation:
    Building resilience to persevere through challenges, overcome barriers, and maintain a positive outlook. Once developed, motivation becomes a tool children can apply to tasks and situations in all areas of life.
  4. Critical Thinking:
    Acquiring the ability to analyse situations, evaluate options, and solve problems effectively. This essential skill extends beyond education, preparing children to navigate complex decisions in everyday life.
  5. Problem-Solving:
    Recognising patterns and relationships, making connections between concepts, and applying these insights to new challenges. This skill empowers children to approach and resolve issues creatively and effectively.